Iklan - Masalah Nak Kahwin? Kahwina Kan Ada...

"Semua Orang Mahu Berkahwin...Walaupun Hanya Dalam Mimpi..."

Kata-kata ini sememangnya benar! Setiap manusia di atas muka bumi ini pasti mempunyai keinginan untuk berkahwin TERUTAMANYA setelah meningkat dewasa.

Dan setiap orang pastinya punyai impian terhadap majlis perkahwinan mereka. Ada yang mahu bertemakan dalam taman, moden, jawa dan sebagainya. Cakaplah apa sahaja, semua orang pasti sanggup berhabis duit bagi memastikan Majlis Perkahwinan mereka sentiasa segar dan terpahat diingatan.

"Namun Tak Semua Mampu Berkahwin..."

Ya, secara asasnya hukum berkahwin seperti berikut:

Hukumnya Wajib bagi mereka yang berkemampuan dari segi fizikal dan kewangan. Sekiranya tidak berkahwin, bimbang akan terjerumus ke lembah maksiat.

Hukumnya Sunat bagi mereka yang berkemampuan dari segi fizikal dan kewangan serta mempunyai keinginan untuk berkahwin .

Hukumnya Haram bagi mereka yang tidak berkemampuan dari segi nafkah zahir dan batin, atau perkahwinan yang bertujuan untuk memudaratkan isterinya.

Hukumnya Makruh bagi mereka yang tidak berkemampuan memberi nafkah kepada isterinya tetapi mempunyai keinginan untuk berkahwin.

Hukumnya Harus bagi mereka yang tidak mempunyai sebab yang mendesak mereka untuk berkahwin, dan tidak pula mengharamkannya berkahwin.

Namun begitu, hakikatnya cuma ada 3 Sebab Utama yang menyebabkan seseorang dewasa itu masih belum berkahwin, iaitu:

1. Belum Cukup Duit

Kebiasaannya masalah ini tertumpu kepada pihak lelaki kerana pihak lelaki yang mengeluarkan belanja yang besar untuk sesebuah majlis perkahwinan.

Masalah ini juga pendorong utama seseorang/pasangan masih belum berkahwin.

2. Persiapan Diri Yang Belum Cukup

Berkahwin bukannya sekadar duduk atas pelamin. Perkahwinan merupakan permulaan hidup kedua pasangan sebagai suami isteri. Ilmu mengenai rumah tangga perlu ada bagi memastikan perkahwinan anda kukuh.

Persiapan mental dan fizikal juga penting bagi memastikan Majlis Perkahwinan berjalan dengan lancar sebelum, ketika dan selepas majlis diadakan.

3. Jodoh Belum Sampai

Masalah belum sampai jodoh (adakalanya akibat sikap terlalu memilih) juga menyebabkan seseorang itu masih belum kahwin.

Namun kebiasaannya bagi setiap pasangan yang bercinta tetapi masih belum berkahwin, mereka pasti sedang mengalami masalah kewangan yang mematahkan semangat mereka untuk berkahwin..

Ini kerana jumlah perbelanjaan untuk majlis perkahwinan pada hari ini boleh mencecah puluhan ribu ringgit walaupun Majlis Perkahwinan tersebut hanya berlangsung sehari. Mana taknya, hantaran sahaja sudah mencecah ribuan ringgit!

Bila dikira dan dicatatkan sepenuhnya setiap perbelanjaan perkahwinan, pastinya ramai yang menggigil lutut dan rungsing memikirkan dari celah mana nak cari duit untuk Majlis perkahwinan mereka..

Saya yakin anda pasti merupakan seorang yang sangat bahagia JIKA anda mampu menjadikan semua ini satu realiti. Dan pastinya pasangan anda merupakan insan yang
sangat bahagia bersama anda sampai ke akhir hayat!!

Percayalah bahawa kini anda mampu menjadikannya sebagai satu realiti hidup anda dan Saya Amat Yakin Ia Bakal Mengubah Seluruh Hidup Anda..

Memperkenalkan Penyelesaian Segala Masalah & Kerungsingan Anda...

Klik gambar di bawah untuk maklumat lanjut..

"Panduan Lengkap Kewangan Perkahwinan"

Ebook Panduan HANGAT!

Iklan Jawatan Kosong Kerajaan & Swasta


All job ads and career information published in the myiklankerjaya.blogspot.com is intended to assist you in finding job vacancies in the government sector and private sector, this blog is above initiatives myiklankerjaya .blogspot.com and no relation to any departments and companies.

myiklankerjaya.blogspot.com not guarantee the accuracy, errors and changes the information published. myiklankerjaya.blogspot.com also not be liable for any losses when using the information in this blog.


How To Get the Job Interview

Scoring the interview for the job that you want doesn’t have to be rocket science. Sometimes you can score that interview by simply making a phone call. There are many ways that people go about trying to get an interview. The methods of achieving one vary by company. It is best to know what the company’s application process is before taking your first step.

Generally, when a company is hiring they post an ad in the newspaper or an online job bank. How to contact them is usually included in the ad as well. You don’t want to email a resume to a company that is requesting that you walk in with your resume. You don’t want to call a company that requires a faxed resume etc. Ignoring their initial contacting information will guarantee that you will not get that interview because you have already proven that you can’t follow simple directions.

Sometimes, you can get a job lead from a friend before the job has been posted. If this is the case, you can either ask the friend to give the employer your resume and cover letter. If your friend doesn’t actually work where the lead came from, you can try calling about the position and ask what the application procedure is.

There are four general methods of applying for a job, and they include these basic methods.

Sending a Resume

Some companies prefer that you mail in your resume. For this type of approach, it is best to include a cover letter with your resume. The cover is a basic letter that describes the position that you are interest in and a few details of your qualifications and skills. It is basically your lead in to your resume. Before writing your cover letter, you should know whom the letter is to be addressed to. You never want to begin a cover letter with “Dear Sir or Madame” or “To whom it may Concern”. It shows that you have not prepared, and that you are not looking for a specific position with their company, but any job that you can get your hands on. Basically, it is disrespectful to your prospective employer.

Emailing Your Resume

Emailing resumes is becoming a commonplace way for recruiters to get resumes. Most companies offer this method as an alternative to the others. However, there are few tips on how you should go about it.
You should attach your resume as a word document or PDF file. These are the most common formats and what most companies will accept. The subject line should read like this: Smith, John (clerical position)This makes it easy for the recruiter to know who the email is from, and what it pertains to. It also assures that your email will be read.
Sometimes there are specific methods for addressing an emailed resume. Some companies have certain subject line requirements so follow them. If your company wants you to paste your resume, don’t send attachments because your email will be deleted right away.

Faxing Your Resume

Again, you will need to include a cover letter when you fax in your resume. If you are not using your own fax machine, be sure to include your proper contact information. The rules for your cover letter are the same as for mailing your resume. More about cover letters will be provided a bit later on in this book.

Walk-In Your Resume

For this type of application procedure, you will want to dress appropriately. You would want to dress just like you would for an interview. Company’s usually ask you to do this if you are going to be working directly with customers. They ask for a walk in because they want to get a look at your grooming habits right away. Sometimes, a walk in will have the employer giving you a brief interview on the spot, to see if they will require a formal interview later. So be on your best and most appropriate behavior.

Also, walk-ins do not require you to bring in a cover letter with your resume. Your appearance is sort of the cover letter. Sometimes, you will be requested to fill out an application form as well. Smile and be polite, no matter who you are talking to. That could be the difference between getting an interview and just taking an extra trip for nothing.

Telephoning for an Interview

It is not particularly common anymore for companies to ask you to call them for an interview. That is usually saved for jobs that include sales and/or jobs that are not so easily applied for by the other methods. Telephoning for an interview is a bit common when a company requires that you be on the phone a lot. It gives them a feel for the quality and the personality of the person on the phone. When making this type of interview request, always speak in a clean and clear manner. Be polite and prepared to answer any questions that may be asked of you. You might approach the telephone interview like this:

“Hello Mr. Brown, I am Mike Sandal. I am calling with regards to your ad in the Post about the clerical position”. If you are asked your experience and/or previous work experience, be prepared to answer quickly and explain how long you have been doing that type of work and give a brief description of your duties.